Monday, January 12, 2009


We always seem to find the funniest items at our favorite Maverik in Fillmore. It's a driving tradition to stop and fill the tank, take a pit stop and depending on the season either buy a frozen yogurt or hot chocolate (Noelle mixes the best chocolate concoction!) This year we found funny candy guitars (aka plastic sugar beads-igg yuck!) to give to our rock band crazed children. There was a rock & a country version and they each played four tunes.

We also found this crazy elf hat with ears and had fun torturing everyone in the family as we asked them to don the ears to be in our Elf Gallery of Family Stars. Thanks for being good sports!

There were a few folks who missed the elf ears altogether, but we included everyone in the Family Gallery! We changed to the Goofy hat at Clark's house for new grins. Life is funner with strange head wear!


Mer said...

My kids would have liked those guitars too!

Hope you and your famiy are doing well.

Noelle said...

Ha ha ha, oh my gosh, good times at the Filmore gas station - and yes, I DO make the best concoction!