Sunday, July 11, 2010

Keileigh's 20th & Logan Pics!

Our baby is 20 and we spent a week celebrating the Big Event! Shopping trips to Urban Outfitter and fun decor for her new Logan home (see pics below). We had dinner at Cheesecake Factory one night and continued to celebrate with a BBQ and Bees Baseball Game later that week. Marking the milestones of life is a great way to spend family fun time!

Keileigh with Logan friends Cami & Riley

Is the Cheescake Factory wait worth it? Keileigh and Luke had to go two hours early just to get on the list! Consensus? Food OK, family memories, priceless!

Random photos from Logan - Keileigh's home for 2010-2011, as well as local scenery to remind us of why we love Cache Valley so much!

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Such a cool house. I'm sure she will love living there.

Cute pic of Maebe ATTACKING me. Ha ha.